Research Projects

Research Grants and Contract Support

ت السنة وصف مختصر للمشروع الجهة الداعمة للمشروع الدور* مقدار التمويل
1. 2002 The effects of a computer-based learning to learn course on students’ study skills and academic performance SQU, IG grant PI 1800
2. 2003 Virtual Tutoring in Physics: An on-line environment for developing students’ metacognitive skills SQU, IG Grant PI 3300
3. 2005-2008 Strategic Research Project:

Development of Distance Learning for Common Courses at Sultan Qaboos University”

SQU, HM Grant Co I 109000
4. 2007 The Effects of Online Inquiry-Based Learning Objects Environments on Students Achievement SQU, IG Grant Co I 8823
5. 2010-2012 Predicting factors that influence students’ teachers. A three-year IG research project. SQU, IG Grant Co I 26000
6. 2011-2014 Gender gaps in student performance: Implications on the labor market and the fabric of society. The Research Council


PI 74300
7. 2015-2016 المهارات التقنية والإدارية التي يجب أن يكتسبها خريج قسم تكنولوجيا التعليم والتعلم في ضوء احتياجات سوق العمل SQU, IG Grant


CoPI 5500
8. 2018-2020 Developing Own Research Inquiry in Higher Education Institutions in Oman through Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). SQU, IG Grant


Co I 3500
9. 2018-2019 Developing Distance Education for Higher Education Institutions in Oman through MOOCs: Design, Impact, and Culturally-Appropriate Modeling The Research Council Grant Co I 18000
10. 2014-2018 Extending the Learning Landscape: Investigating A Systemic Approach to School Effectiveness in Oman. SQU, HM Grant


PI 90000
11. 2021- The private Tutoring Phenomena in Oman: Causes and impact on the general education system SQU, IG Grant CoPI 2500
12. 2019- دراسة تتبعيه لأوضاع الاحداث المفرج عنه المقدمة من درا إصلاح الأحداث وتقييم فاعلية برنامج الرعاية اللاحقة The Research Council Grant CoPI 20000
13. 2020- Developing Own Research Inquiry in Higher Education Institutions in Oman through Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). The Research Council Grant Co I 20000
14. 2022-2024 أثر مختبر افتراضي (Virtual Laboratory) في تعليم مناهج سلاسل كامبريدج للرياضيات وتعلمها على الأداء التدريسي للمعلمين والاكتساب المفاهيمي والكفاءة الرياضية لدى طلبتهم وزارة التربية والتعليم بالتنسيق مع وزارة التعليم العالي CoPI 11480
المجموع الكلي بالريال العماني RO346,208.500
المجموع الكلي بالدولار الامريكي $886,293.760
*PI (Principal Investigator, CoPI (Co- Principal Investigator), CoI (Co-Investigator)